The Basics
What's a TConnect page? In short, it's a personalized, free Web page every TripleClicks Member automatically receives upon signing up as a member. You can put your TConnect page to work for you in a variety of ways immediately after setting it up—listing products to sell, accessing special ECA and member deals, and much more!
Before we get into details about what your TConnect page can do for you, take a look right now at your TConnect page listed below. NOTE: be sure to log in to for administrative access to your TConnect page. When you are NOT logged in, you'll see your TConnect site as one of your referred viewers would.
You'll notice that your TConnect page is organized into several sections.
At the top is a section for your photo and a short profile description of you and your business. Notice the "edit" link at the top of this section (you must be logged into TC to see it). Click this to access your TC Member information, edit your profile or photo, and view and/or update your TC account settings and address book.
Below your profile and photo section, you'll see sections labeled TC Power Rankings, My Connection News, and Stuff I'm Selling. You'll also see sections to the right side of the page with dropdown menus to display TC Members and ECAs you're connected with and who have connected with you.
Now, let's take a closer look at what these sections mean to you and how you can get the most out of them.
Stuff I'm Selling. This is one of the most obvious uses for your TConnect page—your very own sales site! You can use your TConnect page to refer people to just what YOU are selling at Having an "online garage sale" and want to spread the word among your friends and family? No problem! Just refer everyone to your TConnect page. Your products will appear front and center in the Stuff I'm Selling section with easy direct links to purchase. By the way, listing your items at is extremely simple and takes only minutes. Find out how here.
Your Profile & Photo. Although it may not occur to you at first, this section can actually provide an easy marketing resource for your Tripleclicks presence. A succinct and professional profile will help entice potential customers to check out your products.
For example:
I'm a small business owner and TripleClicks Member living in the Midwest. I'm offering a variety of gently used clothes, toys, and decorative items for sale, and also like to check out regularly for good deals on lots of other products.
You can cut and paste the paragraph above to use as a starting point for your own profile description, tweaking it to fit your own needs and situation. Just click "edit" in the top left of your TConnect profile section and select the Profile tab to access your profile textbox. Cut and paste your profile into the textbox. Click the Update button when you're done.
While you're on the Profile tab, be sure you also have a nice photo in place for an even more professional looking and personalized TConnect page. In the Profile tab, click Browse, locate your photo on your computer, and upload to your TConnect page. Click Submit when you're done. For best results, select a vertically-oriented photo rather than a horizontal photo. To crop and resize your photo, so it displays professionally and clearly, check out this free tool.
Having your own profile and professional photo in place on your TConnect page could generate sales for you:
- When you refer people (e.g. via Facebook) to the stuff you're selling.
- When you bid on and/or win Pricebenders auctions and the thousands of people who watch the auctions and/or view the winners page click YOUR name.
- When someone uses a search engine for words that also appear on your TConnect site pages (i.e., someone looking for a product/service you're offering in your city—both of these appear on your TConnect homepage).
- When TC shoppers click the link to learn more about the store member selling a given product.
- When TC visitors select the "Members I connect with" and/or the "Members who connect with me" dropdown menus on the right side of any TC Member TConnect Website. Hint: This is one of the reasons for connecting with other members: So links to your TConnect Website appear on lots of other members' TConnect pages and the "buzz" about TC builds.
My Connections News. This is the section that could save you lots of money and time—and another good reason to connect with others at Check in regularly for brief updates and access to specials automatically posted to your TConnect page from your favorite TC Members and ECAs. Just connect with a TC Member and/or an ECA you like and be the first to know about sales and other special customer offers!
TC Power Rankings. Get fun, prizes, and "bragging rights" from the TC Member power rankings prominently displayed in this section. Based purely on the number of other TC members who connect with you, your power rankings can be boosted by referring all your friends, family, downline members, etc. to your TConnect site and asking them to connect with you by clicking the "Connect with this member" button in the top right corner of the page. Keep an eye out for additional actions to boost your points and rankings in the coming weeks and months, as well as power rank prizes and gift certificates for the most points, most growth in your city, state/province, country, and more!